Photography – Chicago

Fountainf/4.5; 1/200; ISO 800; 18mm

“Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.” – Henry Ward Beecher

I happened to be walking through Millenium Park in Chicago one evening and spotted this little girl in a yellow dress who was focused on her own adventure and oblivious to the world around her!

Photography – Creating a Mood


Venice Before

Before and After – This photo was taken in Venice, Italy on the Grand Canal. Challenged once again in this week’s class assignment – to create a dark, moody image. My tendency has always been to use my go to standard workflow adjustments; highlights, shadows, whites, blacks, clarity…..I was quite surprised by how motivating and challenging it was to go for a different look. My big learning in this assignment was the discovery of the power and different effects you can achieve by using the Curves tool.

Photography – Still Life

 “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”             F/4.5; 1/25 sec; ISO 3200; 24mm

This week’s class assignment was still life photography. This is my first attempt of 5 photos we need to compose. It is new and a real challenge for me. I put a black cloth under a piece of glass on a small round table and set the brushes up. The wall behind the table was a blueish green. Then I side lit the setting which created the reflection and all types of shadows. The image was processed in raw: shadows, highlights, whites, blacks, brightening, sharpening, and a little clarity. In Luminar® I then added a subtle sunlight effect near the brushes and then did a little split toning.